Room Types and Rooms

Modified on: Wed, 26 Jul, 2023 at 11:16 AM


Clock PMS+ offers support not only for the conventional Room Type and Room configuration, but it also extends this feature to accommodate Virtual Rooms, especially suitable for properties that incorporate such plans.

Room Types and Rooms

The setup for bookable units remains familiar; it requires the configuration of both room types and rooms.

Room Types

Room Types represent a group of rooms categorized under the same type and priced identically. While setting up room types, an Upsell index can be added, which plays a pivotal role in the upselling algorithm utilized in the MyBooking Portal.


Rooms are actual units contributing to your total capacity and availability. When configuring rooms, the following parameters can be considered:

  • A housekeeping sector for grouping rooms, which assists in efficiently delegating housekeeping duties.
  • A location, primarily beneficial for multi-location businesses. The choice depends on the pre-configured location/s in the PMS+ settings.
  • A door code, integrated with Door Lock systems.
  • A floor, useful for filtering rooms in the Rooms Plan.

Virtual Rooms

Virtual rooms serve as an enhancement of the traditional Room Type/Room setup. They're beneficial when two or more rooms can be marketed both as separate entities and collectively as a single unit (for example, two connecting double rooms can be sold as an apartment). By implementing Virtual Room functionality, you can effortlessly manage sales for individual rooms or the whole unit without manual intervention, since the system takes care of such allocations automatically.

Room Features

Clock PMS+ allows for the creation of a multitude of room features that can be assigned to respective rooms. These features could range from in-room amenities, floors, and shower/bath facilities to proximity to the elevator, or any other distinctive characteristic. They aid Clock PMS+ users in finding a room that matches the specific requests made by a guest.

Out of Service (OOS) Statuses

Clock PMS+ enables the creation of Out of Service statuses. Based on your requirements, you can establish one or more statuses, which allow you to block a room, ensuring that it's removed from the capacity of the room type and not allocated for bookings during the OOS period.

The advantage of having multiple OOS statuses lies in the clearer understanding they provide about the reasons behind room blocking, whether for maintenance, renovation, internal use, or any other relevant purpose.

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